Friday 11 September 2020

pick and mix

 pick and mix is a very fun and you also learn you get a card and mix them all and pull one out at a time and do + or x and who ever get the most winz and you can dance on them

Rocket to Mars

 I did this with Moss and Stavers .Stavers  was the robot ship and I was a sun moss was the Coda .Moss got a good code but we did not do it right. left right left forwards forwards we still don't know this was hard. Try 4 different codes  the last one did it Side we were are no were near finished .So we hurried up I want to sit I was just stand.And stand and stand this was the worst .We were in a maze and I just said to myself time to sit. Because know one had found me it was step to step as I just said they found me. When I was Lost in Space but I was not in space the end.


have you never heard of bee-bot? Here is something cool everyone loves coding. Because you can code
it can go back wards forwards right left. Even you can go 1000 forward but it would take a long time. If you press right it will turn right and forwards. It will go right if you press left it will turn left. And forwards it Will go left if you press back it will go back straight away.and now you know how to code a bee bot

Monday 7 September 2020


  skipping               everyday we go in the class and do the role.and then we do skipping!I love skipping its the a fun thing to do and good for don't need devices you just need skipping rope. it one good weigh to start the morning.don't forget my buddy is Dylan is a great friend of mine and my times are 15 30 45 60 and it's good for many things. and my highest score is a 102 wait don't forget to break it and did you know more than million people in the world do skipping what is incredible but there is 8 billion people in the world but Million it could be 1 million